Our Mother of Perpetual Help 9 Days Prayer Novena

9 Days Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help



A noble youth had been condemned to a degrading death by starvation in a loathsome dungeon. He was the only son of his mother, an aged widow lady, who loved him intensely and who by dint of her tears and repeated entreaties, obtained permission to visit her son in prison. Full of that tender, yet strong love and affection of which only a mother is capable, she visited him daily and succeeded, despite the watchfulness of the goalers to supply him secretly with food.

Meanwhile she ceased not to employ her influence and wealth until she also succeeded on obtaining full pardon and release from prison. Oh! What a touching scene it must have been to see that mother clasp her son to her breast and conduct him forth from death and captivity to life and liberty! Here we have a picture of what we may piously believe happens to the suffering souls, detained in the prison Purgatory. Are they not all Mary's children? Do they not suffer severely, and long ardently for the day of their deliverance? And how can Mary, their tender loving Mother, see them in that pitiful condition without coming to their relief? The rich man, of whom Our Divine Lord spoke in the parable, called upon Father Abraham to send someone who might dip his finger in water and give him even one drop of water to cool his parched tongue. But no one could go; for there is fixed an impassable gulf between heaven and hell. But there is no such gulf between heaven and purgatory. If then the suffering souls look up and behold their Mother in her glory and call upon her, will she not answer that call and comfort her children by a personal visit? Surely if she is queen she has a right to take the keys and enter the prison chambers where her children are and enter the prison chambers where her children are detained and if she is a Mother, what comfort and consolation will she not afford them by her visit? Nay, will she not go further and obtain by her powerful intercession a speedy deliverance from their prison, and when she has obtained full pardon for anyone, will she not consider it a Mother's privilege to go and announce the welcome news and conduct that happy soul to the mansions of heaven? Mary is then the Perpetual Help even of the souls in Purgatory.


O Mother of Perpetual Help, behold me a miserable sinner at thy feet; I have recourse to thee and put my trust in thee. O Mother of Mercy have pity upon me. I hear thee called by all the refuge and the hope of sinners, be then my refuge and my hope. Help me for the love of Jesus Christ; stretch forth thy hand to me, who recommend and dedicate myself to thee as thy perpetual servant. I bless and thank GOD for having in His mercy given to me this confidence in thee, the pledge as I believe of my eternal salvation. Alas! Too often in past times have I miserably fallen, because I had not recourse to thee! I know that with thy help I shall conquer. I know that thou will help me if I recommend myself to thee; but i fear lest in the occasions of falling I should cease to call upon thee and so should lose my soul. This, then, is the grace I seek from thee; and I conjure thee, as far as I know how and can, to obtain it for me; namely, in the assults of hell always to have recourse to thee and to say to thee: O Mary help me; Mother of Perpetual Help, suffer me not to lose my God.

Five "Hail Mary's" to obtain the special favours you seek -- then: -- Holy Mary, assist the miserable, help the faint hearted, cheer those that weep, pray for the people be the advocate of the clergy, intercede for all devout woman; let all feel thine aid who implore thy perpetual help.

V. Thou has been for us, Our Lady, a refuge.

R. A helper in needs and tribulation.


Oh almighty and merciful GOD, who hast given us to venerate the picture of Thy most Blessed Mother, under the special title of Perpetual Help, graciously grant that, amidst all the changes of our journey through life, we may be so defended by the continual protection of the same Immaculate, ever Virgin Mary, that we may deserve to obtain the rewards of Thy eternal Redemption; Who livest and reignest, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit; world without end. Amen.