Easter Novena
Jesus, I believe that by Your own power You rose from death, as You promised, a glorious Victor. May this mystery strengthen my hope in another and better life after death, the resurrection of my body on the last day, and an eternity of happiness.
I firmly hope that You will keep Your promise to me and raise me up glorified. Through Your glorious Resurrection I hope that You will make my body like Your own in glory and life, and permit me to dwell with You in heaven for all eternity.
I believe that Your Resurrection is the crown of Your life and work as God-Man, because it is Your glorification. This is the beginning of the glorious life that was due to You as the Son of God. Your Resurrection is also the reward of Your life of suffering.
Jesus, my Risen Lord and King, I adore Your Sacred Humanity which receives this eternal Kingdom of honour, power, joy and glory. I rejoice with You, my Master, glorious, immortal and all-powerful.
Through the glorious mystery of Your Resurrection I ask You to help me to rise with You spiritually and to live a life free from sin, that I may be bent upon doing God’s Will in all things, and may be patient in suffering. Through the Sacraments may my soul be enriched evermore with sanctifying grace, the source of Divine life. I also ask that You grant me this special request:
(Mention your request)
May Your Will be done!
Thanksgiving Prayer to the Risen Saviour Jesus:
Son of God, I thank You for accepting the Cross and freeing us from the power of the enemy. I believe that by Your Resurrection You conquered the power of death and opened for us the way to eternal life. I thank You for having redeemed me and for making me a child of God.
Look upon me with love. Raise me up and renew my life by the Spirit You have given me. May I follow You in Your risen life.
Draw me to the life where Your Spirit makes all life complete. May I come at last to share the glory of Your Resurrection in heaven.
Prayer to God the Father in Heaven:
God our Father, by raising Christ Your Son you conquered the power of death and opened for us the way to eternal life. Let our celebration of Easter raise us up and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.
You wash away our sins in water, give us new birth in the Spirit, and redeem us in the Blood of Christ.
May we look forward with hope to our Resurrection, for You have made us Your sons and daughters and restored the joy of our youth.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.